In 2021 the UK Government announced the following submissions had succeeded in their application for support from the UK Community Renewal Fund. The activity is now complete and projects are closed.
For more information, visit: UK Community Renewal Fund Prospectus (
There were 10 approved projects in Conwy County for a total of £2,235,522 funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund:
Transforming Young Minds for Tomorrow – Engineering Education Scheme Wales Ltd
A pilot of interactive activities for primary school pupils in years 5 and 6, and secondary school pupils in years 10 and 11, to engage and interest them in the range of careers available in the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, Creative and Digital and Energy and Environment sectors in the region.
Conwy Tourism Innovation Hub – Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
A series of initiatives to create and apply innovation to the vibrant tourism industry & visitor economy in Conwy.
Digital and Creative Conwy – Menai Science Park (M-Sparc)
A skills academy and business accelerator project.
Towyn and Kinmel Bay Community Connections Project – Towyn & Kinmel Bay Town Council
Establishment of a Community Partnership for Towyn and Kinmel Bay.
Skills and Employability Programme for Recovery and Growth – Conwy CBC
A series of pilot projects aimed at helping and supporting people to overcome multiple barriers to employment.
Conwy Culture Strategy Development – Conwy CBC
Creation of a Cultural Partnership Enterprise to co-ordinate and deliver the Culture Strategy and five Town Teams to oversee spotlight action plans for our main towns.
Rural Conwy Support and Development – Conwy CBC
Expansion of the work undertaken by the Rural Development Team in rural areas of Conwy.
Research on the impact of Covid 19 on our town centres – Conwy CBC
Commissioning of a study to look at the impact of Covid 19 on our town centres.
Digital support platforms for businesses and communities in Conwy – Conwy CBC
Development of a series of online tools for business sectors and local communities to support economic recovery and development.
Llandudno Bay Promenade Enhancement – Conwy CBC
First stage of the renewal and redesign of the heritage shelters and colonnades on Llandudno North Shore.