Registered Childminders
Childminders are childcare providers who work in their own homes who may offer full and part time care, including before and after school, wrap around and holiday care.
Day Care
Day care providers may offer full or part time care, wrap around provision, out of school care and holiday provision. They include:
- Day nurseries
- Playgroups
- Cylchoedd Meithrin
- Out of School Childcare Clubs, including Breakfast, After School, Holiday and wrap around care.
For more details on any of the above, please contact Conwy Family Information Service.
Unregistered Childcare
Some childcare options do not have to be registered with Care Inspectorate for Wales. These are generally where sessions are run for less than 2 hours a day or where the provider does not receive reward for the childcare, although there are a few exceptions.
Unregistered childcare can also include:
- Au pair services
- Babysitting or care provided by friends and family members
If you are in any doubt and wish to check whether registration is required you can contact Care Inspectorate for Wales or Conwy Family Information Service for advice.
If you use childcare which is not registered or approved you will not be able to claim financial assistance from the UK Government.
Childcare at Home Voluntary Approval Scheme, Wales
Anyone, other than a close relative who provides childcare in the child’s home (e.g. nanny) may apply to become an approved childcare provider.
They must:
- Be aged 18 or over
- Have a childcare qualification
- Have a relevant first aid certificate
- Have received clearance from an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check
More information on the Childcare at home Voluntary Approval Scheme in Wales is available at Care Inspectorate Wales.